You are able to change the boundaries of a plot in maple by including xab and ycd options in the plotting command. To draw 3d or 2d graphs all required is filling in the equation of the form zf. Next, a simple triangular mesh can be used to interpolate linearly between the points. Its product suite reflects the philosophy that given great tools, people can do great things. Improve your mathematical understanding and get help with your math homework. To launch the plot builder, run the plots interactive command. To change the zaxis range in 3d plots you can also use viewef. Plot the graph of a discontinuous function of two variables using maple. Maple does not care about spaces, however, although you should not put spaces in the middle of singleword commands. Here i show you how to plot any math function using delphi and a simpletrectangle. Maple includes the interactive plot builder, which provides a pointandclick interface to the plotting functionality including two and threedimensional plots, animations, and interactive plots with sliders. Some version of the point plot with some shading scheme may or may not be displayed alongside the various surfaces constructed below. Browse other questions tagged graphingfunctions math software maple or ask your own question. Kali ini saya akan posting tentang software matlab yaitu cara plot 3 dimensi.
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